Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Better sleep

Have I mentioned that the Bear is now sleeping ALL night in his crib?

Ah yes. Thankfully, the night time issues have worked themselves out. The Hubs gets the Bear lotioned up and dressed in his jammies. The Hubs reads whatever book the Bear selects from his basket. Then the Bear is placed into his crib. No crying. No whining. No problems.

The last couple of weeks he's been in his crib all night. I think it was when we put the toddler bed in our bedroom that the Bear turned the corner on his sleeping issues. Because the toddler bed was in our room, we were placing him in THAT when he'd cry out from his crib in his bedroom. He was no longer allowed to sleep in our bed. No more tossing and turning in between us. No more playing with Mommy's hair. No more sleeping on top of Mommy. No more cuddles. He was IN our room but no longer IN our bed.

I guess he finally realized that he might as well stay in his crib if he wasn't going to be allowed to sleep in our bed anymore. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

But let me tell you that a couple mornings this week I've had to and wake up at 7am so that we're not late dropping off the Princess at school!

And yes people. I'm only talking about sleeping through the night. He's in there from about 8:15pm to 6am. The napping business is STILL a huge issue. He won't relax and sleep during the weekdays if I put him in his crib. On the weekends, he'll stay silent when the Hubs puts him down. But at least the boy is sleeping at night. I'm thankful for that!

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