Sunday, September 30, 2007

Think before you answer me

Yesterday after we celebrated the Princess birthday in the mall, we drove home in separate vehicles. The 5 females in the minivan and the 4 boys in the Freestyle. Since it was already 5:30pm, we (gals) decided to just throw some spaghetti together for dinner. I knew that we had salad fixings and frozen meatballs at home, so it would be an easy dinner to fix. But I wasn't sure about something, so I had LilSis call Shorty to ask the Hubs about it.
LilSis: Hi honey. Ask the Hubs if they have pasta sauce in the pantry. (as the Hubs went grocery shopping last week)
Shorty: He said yes. There's sauce.
We still had to stop by the grocery store to get my father some crackers to nibble on AND some French bread for dinner. I decided last minute to grab a big jar of pasta sauce -- just in case.

We leave the grocery store and both LilSis and my cell phones rang.
Me: Hello?
Hubs: Are you still at the store?
Me: No. We're on X Street. We're 20 seconds from home.
Hubs: Ohhh.....okay. I'm going to go to the store really quick.
Me: Why?
Hubs: Uh....we need sauce....
Me: So we needed sauce? And you said we had some just how many minutes ago.
Hubs: Yeah. I thought the jar we had was more full.
Me: Luckily for you, I grabbed a jar of sauce on the way out.
What's funny is that Shorty was telling LilSis the same thing. Just another example of the Hubs answering a questions without really thinking about it. But like I said, he's lucky I grabbed a jar. OY!

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