Monday, December 31, 2007

Taking care of business

It's actually the taking away the remnants of the kids' gifts.

You parents know what I'm talking about. The boxes. The plastic wrap. The cardboard innards. The extra hard plastic ties that are used to tie the toy to the cardboard innards -- the stuff that'll create cuts all over your hands if you're not careful. The black plastic pieces that the hard plastic ties are woven through. The soft plastic ties (kind of like hair ties) that keep the tiny pieces attached. TOYS are the most SECURE things.

We were gone from Sunday to Friday. Our trash pick-up is on Thursday and Monday. Unfortunately, the Hubs did NOT place our trash bin out on the Thursday before we left. So for today's trash pick-up, we had residual stuff from the previous week. We sure did need that extra space. The bin was packed. And then the Hubs kept a huge bag of dry stuff in the garage because it wouldn't fit into the bin.


I saw the trash guy come by and take care of our bin around 7:30am. [lightbulb flashing]

I ran and grabbed a bag from the kitchen bin. I opened the refrigerator and got out the yucky fruit and the leftover pizza, which was there from last week. I also grabbed the big bag from the garage. And what did I do? I went out and threw it all into the bin outside. AND....I rolled the bin across the street to my neighbor's house. You see, they are out of town until Jan they didn't have their bin out. It's not like we get charged for each pick-up. We get charged a standard amount each month no matter if we set out our bin 2 times per week or not. I took advantage of the fact that the trash guy was going up the street and would take at least 10 minutes to come back the other way. He had to go into 3 cul-de-sacs before he hit the guy across the street's house.

So instead of having to wait to get all that extra stuff taken away on Thursday's pick-up? I was able to get rid of it all today. YEAH!

Now have you done this? Seriously...anyone?

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