Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sometimes you just have to GO!

In haze of sleepiness, this morning around 7am I heard....




Bear: I VAW-[garble-garble]

I am still basically 3/4 asleep but I knew there was a problem. I was about to move when I heard the Hubs respond.

Hubs: What's you say buddy?
Bear: I VAW-[garble-garble]
Hubs: What's that?

The Hubs then bolts out of bed (he hadn't moved a muscle yet) and grabs the Bear who is at our bedroom doorway. He closes the door behind him.


Hubs: Buddy. You need to do that in the toilet.

So after hearing this, there's NO WAY I can go back to sleep. I drag my sleep self out of bed and throw on some shorts. I figured the Hubs would have a bit of cleaning to do. I walked upstairs to see what mess (if any) needed to get cleaned up. Thankfully, there was just a little bit on the stairs and just a little on the tile floor downstairs. No biggie.

But people? What didn't my husband understand what the Bear had said. What other word in the English language starting with the letter V would our son be saying to us on a Saturday morning? A word followed by his running down the stairs? On a Saturday morning when he knows not to wake anyone up? It was an emergency. The only word that would be said with a V would be VOMIT! The word doesn't need to be said clearly does it? I mean, the kid had his hand over his mouth trying to not do it again. Oy! My husband!

Please go forth and teach this to your spouses. Please.

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