Thursday, September 4, 2008

This isn't my usual thing but...

Normally I stay away from political posts, but this one has really got me interested.

The fact that McCain (JM) has selected Palin (SP) as his running mate.

I'm amazed by the focus that the television broadcasters, blogs, newspapers, and radio have decided to discuss. I don't understand. I really don't. There are certain things I find important. Other things I don't find essential. I am SHOCKED that people are attacking SP for being a parent -- all the various elements of being a Mom.

As a parent of 5 children: I was amazed by one person who called into Bill O'Reilly and said something along the lines of "...As a 44 year old woman and mother of 4 healthy children, SP is selfish and irresponsible for having another child. She should know better..." WTF? Isn't it each couple's choice to decide on how many children they want? Some couples choose to have one. Some couples choose to have three. Some couples choose to have sixteen! But who cares if she has young children? I mean, there is her awesome looking husband who may take the role of stay-at-home parent. And that would be so WOOHOO to have a representative like him for all the stay-at-home Dads. And how old was Chelsea Clinton when her father originally ran for president? Twelve? Thirteen? How about George's twin girls? Did anyone ask either of these guys on how the campaign trail would effect their daughters?

As a parent of a special needs child: Let me say that I do not have a special needs child. But how much different is SP's four month old baby than any other four month old baby? All babies do is eat, sleep, and cry. At this point, the baby doesn't any special help other than someone to hold and comfort and love it. Right? It'll be further down the line that this baby may require additional support and help. I mean at the convention last night, the baby was asleep!

As a parent of a pregnant daughter: What do you think would have happened if SP had allowed her daughter to have an abortion? That would not be along the lines of her political party. Now THAT would have been a tremendous issue for the party. Her daughter having the baby supports SP's pro-life stance. It does. And the fact that her daughter got pregnant? We cannot be with our children 24/7. No matter who we are. We can guide them, but we can't live their life. We can't protect them from living. They need to make decisions as teenagers so that they become adults who can make decisions. It's when people are teenagers when they learn about consequences of their decisions. And it looks like SP's daughter is making very adult decisions.

As someone who has not been a member of Congress or the House: SP comes into the race with no experience in Congress or the House of Representatives. That's fine. It's not like she needs to have that experience. She's been involved in government. She served 4 years on the Wasilla City Council, served 6 years as the Mayor of Wasilla, and now almost 2 years as the Governor of Alaska. As a Mayor and a Governor, she was THE decision-maker. She was the one who made the hard choices. She couldn't vote one way and hide behind a group of people, which can happen in Congress of the House. She cleaned house! The buck STOPPED with SP. Can other candidates say they were THE decision maker?

As someone perceived as out-of-date and not very nice: What? I don't care if this lady puts her hair up in a bun or pinned back. Does her hair effect her ability to make decisions? This one boggled my mind this morning. Her hair? Seriously? And what are the cracks about her not being nice? She's making clear-cut decisions. No one would object if a man was behaving the same way. They'd just give him kudos for cleaning house and standing by his party. So why isn't the same credit being placed with SP? I'm confused! When I was working, I was a decision-maker. If you did not complete your deliverable? I'd be the first one to call you on it. But that's the way I am. You need to do YOUR work. The people I worked with knew I was a nice person, but that they needed to give me something that it better be completed on time.

Stay on the issues. Don't press into family matters. Even though it's my hope, I'm sure it won't happen. People are going to dig. People are going to make horrible comments. People are going to do what they do because they're happen trashing others. [sigh] What ever happened to not crossing lines of conduct?'s too bad. Because all this ugliness is NOT a very pleasant example to show our children about how politics runs.

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