Friday, October 1, 2004

Delays on the house

We originally had a promise date of sometime in January. Looks like we won't be moving until February!

There's such a boom on building houses that all the builders are having difficulty keeping the best contractors. They still have these guys build the houses but getting the guys scheduled in to do the jobs is difficult.

We found out that the builder got a couple additional framing crews from other job sites that they've got. But then there's a problem with getting all the slabs done. Turns out that the cement shortage [Yes! That's what I said cement shortage] is really affecting builders. The cement contractor isn't going to be able to get all the slabs done even though the builder got additional framing crews. So our builder is going to have to talk to another cement contractor to find out if they can help out and finish the slabs.

Luckily we've got this townhouse rented until March! Fortunately, we'll only be delayed about 2 to 3 weeks. The folks who were given October as their delivery date are going to have to wait until December to move into their homes. Yes, it's delayed THAT much for them. Eee-gads!

The builder manager did elude to the fact that the builders might be comping all of us who aren't getting our homes at the original delivery date. He said maybe backyard landscaping or something like that was in the works, but we'd find out more later down the road. I'd LOVE it if they just threw in a pool!

So it's a waiting game. But that's to be expected when a home is being built.

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