Thursday, March 10, 2005

Girls versus boys

I don't normally link to anything, but I saw this interesting article this morning.

News article

I have to say that I was very quiet in middle school. It was a HUGE change from elementary school. I was already a shy kid, so being in a much larger school made me even more reserved. Now, with this pilot program? Makes me think that I would have participated more in my classes. It's not that didn't have good grades (mostly A's and B's), but I would have probably spoken up more in class if I was surrounded by my peers (my girls). Being around the boys made me a little unsettled. Especially the cool & the cute boys.

Makes me think that maybe an all-girls school (with uniforms) might be good for my girl? Hmm...something else to consider for the future.

What do you think?

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