Wednesday, August 10, 2005

What's with the crying?

The Princess woke at 5:30am coughing. I ran a glass of water upstairs. She drank some and fell back asleep. I woke her up at 7am. She had a bagel & milk. She got dressed. We chatted about stuff at school.

This morning, the school opened up the side entrace. This is the entrance to the playground. The place the kids will normally congregate in the morning before school officially begins.


All of a sudden, I had a cranky monster on my hands. I'm not talking about the Bear either. The Princess was suddenly inconsolable and clingy.

"What the fuck?" was repeating in my head as I tried to calm her.


That was a teacher blowing on a whistle. The signal for all the kids to grab their backpacks (which they'd thrown in piles on the sidewalk so they could play) and get in line in front of their teacher.

My girl continued to make a fuss as we got her in "line". She would not let me back up from her. I asked her what was wrong.

"I'm TIRED!"

The kindergarten classes (there's an older group and a younger group) walked into the school last. The kiddos and I trailed behind. I tried to talk reason with her. I was still talking to her while she tried to bury herself into my shoulder when the kindergarten classes came back in after doing the morning "flag" ceremony. Finally? The kindergarten teacher asked me if I wanted her to just take the Princess. With a nod, the kindergarten teacher hugged my girl away from me.

"Call the office in 30 minutes or so. Just in case..."

I leave. The Princess goes reluctantly with her teacher. It was sad. It was difficult. But what the heck?

She went fine on Monday. She went fine on Tuesday. She was fine today until we walked into the playground.

I guess she might have been overwhelmed by it. The number of kids all running around. It was the small contained group in the classroom that she was comfortable with.

Tonight? That little girl is going to start getting ready for bed by 7:15pm, which means she'll be in bed by 7:30pm. Hopefully that extra 30-45 minutes of sleep will be what she needs to start the day off better tomorrow.

[crossing fingers]

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