Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I've got a guest this morning

My daughter is home today.

She should be at school. But unfortunately, she blew chunks last night. Yes. She vomited. In the middle of the night. And I didn't know about it until this morning.

After he found her awake and saw what had happened sometime during the night. The Hubs took action. He stripped her bed and placed all the soiled bedding on the floor in the laundry room.

When I saw her at the breakfast table coloring, she looked fine.

"Honey, what happened?"

"I vomited last night. I coughed real hard. But no one heard me."

"Oh honey. When you vomit in the middle of the night you should just come get Mommy."

"Okay. But I tried to clean it up myself."

Did you hear that? My 5 year old tried to take care of it herself. She pushed the soiled linens to the bottom of the bed. She took off her yucky jammies and washed her mouth and hands off. Then she put on fresh jammies and climbed back into bed.

Right now she's in the other room with a Pooh DVD on. She's making holiday cards for her friends at school. We both agreed school would not be a good idea today.

"I don't want to give my sick germs to any of my friends."

She's such a sweetie. Today will be a relaxing day for her. I want her to be healthy for their holiday concert tomorrow night and their play day on Friday.

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