Saturday, April 15, 2006

More in tune than I thought?

I signed up the PRincess for karate at school. There's a Dad who gives the kids lessons as an afterschool program. The Princess showed some interest in it so I decided that she could do the last session for the school year. If she enjoys it then I'll sign her up from the beginning of the next school year.

The kids stay an hour later than normal when they have lessons -- 2 days a week.

The first day of this latest session, I walked into the school to pick the Princess up.

I walked past her regular class and caught a glimpse of her. I stopped. She looked up. And ran up to me.

I wrapped my arms around her and wiggled her around as I hugged her.

Me: "Now go over and finish that puzzle that you were doing honey. Okay?"

Princess: "Okay."

She snuck in a quick kiss before she skipped back to the table.

Her teacher came up to me.

Teacher: "It's always SO nice to see the two of you together."

Me: "Oh yeah?"

Teacher: "Yes. I can really tell that the two of you really care about each other."

I looked at her and confessed...

Me: "Oh...we have our moments!"

Teacher: "Yes. I'm sure all parents do. But both of you look at each other in this way that some other parents and kids don't"

Me: "Really?"

Teacher: "That's what makes it nice to see you and the Princess..."

Me: "Well, thank you."

Am I more connected to my daughter than I think? I don't think I'm as close to the Princess than my sister is to her THREE kids. Now my sister's kids? FABULOUS! Bright! And they all adore my sister and my brother-in-law.

But it was really nice to hear a compliment from someone. Especially a teacher...

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