Saturday, November 18, 2006

Moving and not thinking

Today was the last home football game that my husband would be attending this year. He brought my FIL (whose birthday was yesterday) and the Princess.

The problem? Trying to figure out how he and the Princess could get away without the Bear wanting to go too. Last night, the Hubs and I figured out a game plan. That we'd feed the Bear a late lunch (around 12:30pm) and then get him down for a nap. Once he was asleep, the Hubs and Prin would leave. Good plan, huh?

I made the Bear's lunch and then had something to eat too. The Prin and the Hubs were still eating when I decided to lay down with the boy. I was fully tired because I didn't sleep well the night before. It didn't take long for my little guy to pass out. He lay next to me on his onw pillow as I turned away from him. He played gently with my hair as he relaxed and finally crashed 10 minutes later. I heard the twosome leave the house. I crashed soon after for about an hour.

I got up and finished cleaning up the lunch mess. I then walked around trying to get organized but couldn't keys. I looked in all the normal spots. On the kitchen counter next to the family calendar. In my purse. On the barstool where my purse normally sits. Nada. I found nothing! So what did I do? Called my husband!

Me: Honey?
Hubs: Hi Bunny.
Me: Uh....where are my keys?
Hubs:What? Your keys? On the kitchen counter.
Me: No. I looked there.
Hubs:Oh. In your purse?
Me: No. I looked there.
Hubs:They're still in my pocket.

So my husband left on a 1.5 hour drive away with my keys in his pocket. My keys. He didn't feel them in his pocket! The house key. My car key. The security door key. OY! And it's not like my keychains is small. I even have my click unlock thing for my car on it.

I ended up having to rummage through our extra key container to find a house and car key. Yes. I did find the extra ones. But HOW the HECK do you not feel a set of KEYS in your POCKET!

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