Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Giving Thanks - Day 9 of 30

Day 9:
I am thankful that the lady I work for is pretty flexible with my schedule.

When my kids started school and I found out my son's football schedule, I knew that I needed to change things up at work. There would be NO WAY that I could fit in all my work hours. I requested that I get temporary access to a laptop so I could fill in my hours from home.

I approached the lady I work for on Monday to let her know that football would be done this coming Saturday. I wanted to find out if she wanted me to email all the pertinent parties to get the laptop switched out back to a desktop.

Boss: I like that you've got the laptop. It gives you flexibility. I mean, you have KIDS!

She said that she would email her boss, the lady I report to, and the IT person that she would like for me to continue using the laptop. We'll see what everyone says!

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