Monday, September 27, 2004

What's wrong with these people?

Saturday we drove up to spend the night at my ILs house. NO, it wasn't my idea. It was something that just had to happen. The Princess was scheduled to spend the night at my BIL & his girlfriend's house -- she was having "special alone time" with them. My hubby and I were schedule to watch a movie and then attend a college football game. This left the Bear with my ILs.

A few things happened that irritated me:

At the football game, my SIL took the other seat. I had nothing really to talk to her about, so I just didn't say anything. Luckily my hubby sat between us, so I wasn't forced to speak to her. Plus she came late and left early. Why'd she come?

What do you do when you have visitors? I've mentioned it before, but what is it with the towels? We got back to my ILs house about 11:30pm, so they were asleep. She didn't leave us any towels or face towels to clean up. My hubby had to find some towels for us to use after we showered. Luckily, I brought my own face towel from home so I could wash my face. Now, how can you forget to lay out some towels for your guests?

Then when we were having the birthday party at my BILs house, they were all clustered around the television watching the Bears play. What? We're celebrating a party here, couldn't you just tape the damn game and be festive? Who was playing with the kids? Me. My BIL girlfriend. My hubby's cousin's wife. Who was around the tv? My hubby. My BIL. My FIL. My SIL. My MIL. You getting the picture here? Then we decided it was time to open the gifts. I said "Honey, come on in here (we were in the living room) so we can open the gifts" My hubby frowned at me and I just looked at him like "Get your ASS in here!" They all reluctantly pulled their butts away from the television and came over to watch her open gifts. Excuse me for making you celebrate the Princess' birthday people! So sorry you couldn't watch that crappy team play!

Have you ever experienced it when your kids act like angels around other people? It happens to everyone I'm sure. Well, this happened with my Bear. Apparently he was just wonderful with my ILs. My MIL said to me "The Bear sure acts different around you two (meaning my hubby and me). He was so easy with us." What was that? "You can leave him with us any time. He's so different when you two are not around." What again? You would be proud of me though. I just did a half smile and turned away from her. I didn't slap her (even though I felt my hand just wanting to). Let me say that my son is "easy" if you just plop in front of the television. He's "easy" when he's not tired (he had a 2 hour nap in the car before we arrived). He's "easy" when he's not trying to irritate/play with his sister. He's "easy" when you give him sweets that he's not supposed to have. I wanted to say that if she wanted she could have both kids for the entire weekend alone if she wanted...let's see how easy they are then!

It just amazes me that people can be so disconnected. Can't they see how stupid they act? Can they think before they speak? Do they realize that one day I'm not going to turn the other cheek and end up smacking someone? or thoroughly throwing in the towel and start giving them the insults they deserve? Hold me back! Hold me back!

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