Sunday, October 24, 2004

Don't get me started

Ways to get me seriously pissed off:

Tell me you're coming home by 11am and come home at 12:45pm == When you tell someone you're going to be home at a specific time then you then you need to call and inform them when you determine you'll not going to make the promised arrival time. You don't wait until you're on your way to call them.

Don't pick up your cellphone when I call you twice in the morning (9am and 9:30am) == Why the hell would you have your cellphone on MUTE? Ummm..have you ever thought about the vibrate mode? What good is having a cellphone on if it's on mute???? Granted, I didn't leave a voicemail either time but you haven't called our cellular carrier to fix the issue that you've had with receiving voicemails. I can only ask you to get that fixed for so long (I've been reminding for only 3 months now!).

Call me at 12:30pm and ask if we want anything for lunch == Umm...I've got a 4-year-old. We're not waiting past noon to have lunch served. You shoulda called earlier if you knew you were going to pick-up food.

Break the one handle on my nightstand and somehow loose the one piece that we need to fix it == How could you lose one piece of it? You found the other two pieces. How could you lose it in the bedroom? By letting your kids run around while you're trying to locate it. Who knows where the thing is now?

Tell me that you have to call the storage unit people to set up traps for our storage unit == Why would you tell me that you saw stuff that looked like mouse droppings right outside our storage unit? Why? That stuff is supposed to be there until our new house is done in February. Now I'm going to be grossed out for the next 3 1/2 months thinking there are mice running around with our stuff!

Ask me "What's up your ass today?" == Did I yell at your any time today? No. Did I yell at the kids like a maniac? No. So why are you asking me that question? When you're in a foul mood I just try to leave you alone. Could you give me the same courtesy?

This all happened today. Yes today! I'm trying to let it go. I'm tired. But man! Would you be pissed?

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