Friday, October 8, 2004

Mom & Dad update

My folks did receive the options list from the builder on the model they really like. They're going to take a detailed look at this weekend. They're going to determine what options they want and what options they need for the house. It's such a hard thing to decide. I know that they'd like to have a 3-car garage. I know they want to have a laundry room versus a laundry closet. I know they want to get upgraded cabinets. I know that my Mom dreams of having granite countertops & stainless steel appliances. I know that she'd LOVE to have hardwood floors in the great room, hall, & kitchen. There are the big ticket things people think about, but what about the smaller things? Additional recessed lights. Additional electrical sockets & switches. Upgraded lighting fixtures. Upgraded plumbing fixtures. Where to have the cable connections installed? What kind of facade to you want for the fireplace? All those little things add up to big dollars. I do hope they think about those things to when they're figuring out their budget. I'll keep you updated on the situation....

Yesterday was my Mom's birthday...Happy 66th birthday Mommy!

I just called my Mom up last night about 8:30pm and talked to her. She sounded tired but good. Can you believe she still works? She didn't even tell anyone at work that it was her birthday. No one would have known if my older sister hadn't had some flowers delivered to her work. Everyone at work apparently felt so guilty about not knowing. They sang "Happy Birthday" to her and that was all they could do. She went out to dinner with my younger sister and my Dad. They were all in my sister's car when I called. Yes! They were just driving home after their dinner out. But like I said, she sounded good and happy...that's all that matters.

I can't tell you how much I admire my Mom. She's such a good person. She isn't one who acts nice when people are around, we've all seen those "falsies". She has a genuinely kind soul. She has the best heart and is always looking out for others. She has this even temper too. I, unfortunately, have a HOT temper like my father. Anyway, she defends her family like a good mama-bear would do. She's very soft-spoken but quick to pelt out a hearty laugh or give you a mischevious smile. There's a spirit within her that shines. It's amazing. She's so much like my grandmother, her mother. Then there's my 2nd sister, who is much like my mother. They're the kind of women that I aspire to be. Those women who seem to brush off negatives like they were no big thing. Those women who has immensely quiet strength you can see in the way they hold their shoulders and the way they walk? Those women who have steel-like determination in their eyes but a kind touch? Amazing women...that's all I can say...

Is there a woman in your life that amazes you? Who is it?

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