Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Couldn't you be more supportive?

I know I need to blog about something when I'm still thinking/fuming about it 4 hours later.

Wouldn't you know that after the kids watched "Atlantis - The Lost City" again this morning, the television was on FOX. It had a show I'd never seen before (I never watching regular tv in the morning). It was called Life & Style. Interesting, so I thought.

It's the beginning of the show and there's the usual co-host banter regarding the topics they'd be going over during the show. What was the one topic that got my attention? Breastfeeding in public.

The show was going to have a couple Illinois representatives on the show. Why? Because just several months ago, Illinois became the 25th state to adopt Breastfeeding legislation. Breastfeeding legistation you say? Yes! Apparently, only half the states in our good ole nation have established breastfeeding legislation. Legislation that states that breastfeeding is not indecent.

Anyway, Jules Asner is now on my "not so favorite" entertainment reporter list. Her general comment was that when she sees women breastfeeding it makes her squeemish. Squeemish? Well, this gal doesn't have any children. Yes, she's married. Yes, she's interviewed a TON of famous people. So you'd think she'd be open minded to most things. Come on! She's in the entertainment business! But why does she HAVE to say that about breastfeeding? I thought all women and men that were born in the 60's and later were on board with this "breast is best" business?

Now SHE might chose not to breastfeed when and if she has children. But shouldn't she support women who do? Shouldn't we women be supporting each other? Shouldn't we be giving each other positivity rather than negativity? Because of her shallow (yes! shallow!) opinion on a topic that is already divisive for women....I am no longer going to watch programs that she hosts (so no Life&Style for me!).

You know what's interesting? The spark for the law was when a Mom who was at a gymnasium started to breastfeed her baby in the children's area. A gym employee told her to stop. The Mom stormed out of the gym and began writing her state representatives. Link to details

The representative who spearheaded the drive for the legislation in Illinois? A man! The other representative that appeared on the show was a woman. And she voted NO on the legislation. Why did she vote no? Because she'd never heard any of HER constituents complain about being treated negatively while breastfeeding. She said that there was no need for legislation regarding breastfeeding. She said one complaint shouldn't foster a law being made. But apparently there was a loud outcry once it was found out she'd voted against the legislation.

I support whatever method a Mom decides to feed her baby. Breast or bottle. I don't care. Just as long as that baby gets the nourishment it needs. Why can't other people, especially other women think that way too? It's not like these breastfeeding mothers are harming anyone. I breastfed both my babies. When I had to breastfeed in public, I did so discretely. I made sure to cover myself up. I'm sure other breastfeeding Moms do just the same. It's not like we let our breasts hang out there for everyone to see. It's about nourishment. It's not sexual.

Can you just feel the steam rising from my head as I'm typing this? I do hope that you (dear reader) treat all breastfeeding women with respect. It's a big decision to breastfeed. Don't make women feel bad about giving their babies nourishment. See where YOUR state stands on this issue

Okay...off soap box...

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