Thursday, December 9, 2004

Making Mommy Growl

I get to the preschool for pick-up. I walk 100 feet from the car to the school gate with a squigly Bear. I run into the classroom to grab a jacket, a lunchbox, & artwork. I chase the overly tired Bear down and put back the dinosaurs he's confiscated.

We find you in the play yard. It takes you about 5 minutes to run around to say "Bye" to all your friends. We walk the 100 feet from the school gate to the car. As I'm about to help you into the car, you turn to me and say "Mommy, I''ve got to go pee-pee." Dang it!

I know that you've got a bladder of steel. But I know you won't be able to hold it 20 minutes. When you say you've gotta go, then you've gotta go within 5 minutes of the warning. We have to walk the 100 feet back to the school. As we enter, the Moms that were entering when we left are now exiting. They look at me confused. I say "Pee-pee run!" They NOD in understanding.

So the pick-up from school that was only supposed to be about 10 minutes...lasted about 25 minutes. Grrr...

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