Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Weird man...

There I was pushing a grocery cart with Bear in the seat this morning. I was on my way out. As I walked, an older gentleman (I'd say in his 70s) walked along beside me.

Man: Are you from Vietnam?

Me: [Realizing he's talking to me] No.

Man: Are you from Korea?

Me: No.

Man: [Looking confused]

Me: I'm from the Philippines.

Man: should be ashamed.

Me: [Blank]

Man: I'm just making a joke. [As he walks in another direction]

Once outside, I thought "What the HELL did he mean by that?"

Why should I be embarrassed about being born in the Philippines? My father served in the United States Navy! I grew up in California. People really should learn to shut their traps when they know NOTHING about another person. Whatever happened to that phrase "If you can't say anything nice to someone, then don't say anything?" Yeah, yeah, yeah...I'm spitting nails about this man...but HE started it!

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