Monday, March 7, 2005

Mixed messages

My hubs finally showed signs of being frustrated with his family.

I guess in pass discussions my FIL has complained to my hubs about having to help us move. What? Complaining about helping us move? I couldn't believe that my FIL would actually complain about that. We NEVER ask his family for any kind of help. We don't. We're not that way. But my FIL (I guess) moaned to my hubs about having to come down and help us.

Anyway, this weekend my hubs & the kidlings were visiting his family. (I stayed home because I was under the weather) My hubs was giving them the update on our house. When it was being completed. When we were closing. When we were moving our stuff. About the moving company that was going to help us out...

I guess my FIL said something along the lines of "What? A moving company?" Like he was appauled that we were having STRANGERS help us.'re HIRING people to help us because YOU are being pissy about helping us.

Let me tell you....if MY family had first complained about helping me out and then said something when I hired someone to help me...I would have CALLED THEM on it. Most definitely. Don't be giving me mixed messages.

Did my hubs say anything to his father? NO! He let it pass. I am so frustrated that he let his father give him mixed messages like that.

The only thankful thing about my ILs not helping is that I won't have my MIL in my way. Flitting this way and that in that irritating manner that she does.

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