Friday, May 27, 2005

Taking a few days off

I'll be gone for the next few days. We're heading out to visit my family.

We're exiting the 105 degree (& now humid) place we call home and sacking out in the mild mid-70s of my parents abode. Woo-hoo!

To Do Before 3pm:

  1. Get the kids' outfits selected
  2. Get the kids' clothes packed
  3. Get the kids' toiletries packed
  4. Don't forget those diapers!
  5. Breakfast/Snack/Lunch - fix it all & clean it up
  6. Vacuum the carpets
  7. Sweep the tiled areas
  8. Clean all the toilets
  9. Wipe down all the sinks/counters
  10. Wipe down all the mirrors
  11. Get any remaining dirty clothes & towels into the laundryroom
  12. Get the Bear to nap
  13. Get my outfits selected
  14. Get my clothes packed
  15. Get my toiletries packed

Thankfully, I was able to get all the laundry washed today. I've got a bunch of clean items to select outfits from. Now why am I cleaning the house before I leave? Because I thoroughly hate coming home to a dirty house. I'd rather just dump the clothing out of all the luggage and deal with that mess. That's enough to get done, right?

Hope you all have a wonderful 3-day weekend with your family and friends!

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