YES! You're at the right place!
I couldn't help it. I felt compelled to revert back to a look I had months and months ago.
I love the color blue. So soothing. The deep blue is so calming to me.
The white for the entry sections? So that everyone can read my garbled writing with no problems.
The frilly background from the last look? I couldn't handle it anymore. I'm just not a frilly kind of girl. I think of myself as low-maintenance. Or am I like Sally and think I'm low maintenance when I'm actually a high maintenance girl? Hmmm...
As for the yellow? I think it highlights my links quite nicely. You can clearly see whose blogs I take a daily look at.
What's funny? Blue and yellow and white were my high school colors. Am I reverting back to THAT period of my life? E-gads!
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