Tuesday, August 23, 2005

And the close still isn't closed

You will remember a couple weeks ago when I mentioned that my SIL was buying a townhouse?

She STILL hasn't closed on the deal people!

I have no idea what the hold-up is. The Hubs doesn't know either. He briefly spoke with her on Thursday and didn't ask her what was going on. My BIL told the Hubs today that she hadn't closed as of today. Even my BIL doesn't know what the issue is. Apparently, my SIL is really ticked off and my BIL didn't want to ask.

I know that I would ask my sisters what was going on if they were in this situation. I know that they'd need to vent. I know that I give some comforting words.

The Hubs? His reasoning for not getting the story?

"I'm giving her space. That's what we do."

Ha! I think they're all woosy. I'd get the nitty-gritty. But alas. I am not getting into the mix.

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