He crammed Play-doh up his nose.
Yes. You read that correctly. He crammed neon green Play-doh up both his nostrils.
I didn't think I had to supervise him as he's played with the stuff for a few months now. The Princess was across the table from him coloring with markers. She happened to look up at him and nonchalantly told me...
Princess: "Mom! Bear put Plah-doh up his nose!"
Me: "WHAT?"
Princess: "He put Play-doh in his NOSE!"
My girl? Went on coloring. She continued to sit there and color with her markers.
I ran over from the bathroom (as I was cleaning it). I came to the breakfast table to find my son trying to swat the pieces of Play-doh (the EVIDENCE) quickly from his nose.
I grabbed him. In a vice grip in my left hand/arm. Steadied him against my left breast as I examined the situation and extricating the green stuff from his nose. It was fresh Play-doh people. It was gooey. I couldn't get big pieces out. He had been ingenious and had split the Play-doh into tiny pieces before shoving them into his nostrils. I got a bunch out by pinching each piece and pulling. But there was still more SHOVED up in there.
"Don't you move!"
I ran to my bathroom and found my tweezers. The ones I use to pluck my eyebrows. Hey! It was the only extrication tool I had in the house.
I got that kid back into my vice grip and slowly pulled each of those pieces (that were WAY up there) out. There was one piece that was too far up there. I couldn't get to it. Thankfully it was a small piece and I left it alone.
"Do not put Play-doh in your nose. Or your ears. Or your mouth. No. No. NO!"
He was upset. But he didn't cry. He knew he had done a BAD thing. That I was worried about him. That I was only trying to help him by getting the stuff out of his nose.
That one last piece? About 5 minutes after the 'emergency surgery' I saw him rubbing his nose. That little piece had worked its way back down to the front part of his nostril. I was able to get it with my fingers.
That boy. Man! Play-doh up the nose. I'll bet I'm going to have to watch him around paste too. I don't want him being one of those kids who eats paste! E-yuck!
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