Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A mess just waiting to unfold

Did anyone else see this latest news on Martha Stewart?

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. You see, where I live the reputation of this particular builder is horrible. Actually, the division in my STATE is horrible. There have been a ton of complaints against them.

The one that hits closest to home happened to a gal who used to work in the same office as the Hubs. She bought a home from this builder about 3 years ago. The day they moved in they noticed that the armoire they placed in their master bedroom was leaning. Leaning? They tried to straighten it out. No luck. You know what they found out? Their master bedroom floor sloped down towards that one wall. It sloped down about 2 inches from where it should be. And the master bedroom was on the SECOND floor. You say, how can that be? It happened. They had to move everything out of the master bedroom and the builder had to come in and fix it. Don't ask me HOW they fixed it. But they did.

Now this is just one example of how Martha's new partner somehow gets away with shoddy workmanship. I hope in the state where they are partnering...has a better team. [snort]

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