Monday, October 3, 2005

They still shock me

I've known my husband for 12 years now.

What amazes me is that learning stuff about his family still shocks and/or surprises me.


I guess about half of my MILs siblings have used/abused drugs and/or alcohol.

There's this one crazy married in aunt (CMIA) that is very loud. She is the one who introduced my MILs younger sister (MILYS) to the guy she ended up living with for 20 years. She also ended up having a son with him. The guy? He was the family drug supplier.

Way back in the day, my FIL was a cop (along with 3 of his brothers). So did he & his brothers ignore the drug use in my MILs family?


My Hubs godmother (HG) doesn't like CMIA. HG thinks CMIA is a rude & loud person. HG also thinks that CMIA stalks her. I guess CMIA has called a couple times & talked about stuff she'd only know if she'd driven by HG's house (which is a couple miles away from CMIAs house).

A couple weeks ago HG got into a fender bender. She took her car to the shop to get fixed. She got a rental. Later that day she got a call from CMIA.

CMIA: "Hey, it's CMIA!"

HG: "Oh...hi!"

CMIA: "What's that car doing in your driveway?"

HG: "What?"

CMIA: "There's some strange car in your driveway. I know that's not your car."

HG: "It's a rental."

CMIA: "Oh. Okay."


One of the Hubs cousins got married this weekend. At the rehearsal at the church his Grandma had one of her rude moments. She and my SIL were sitting at the back of the church. A 50-ish year old woman walked in.

Grandma: "Who is that?" [to my SIL]

SIL: "I don't know Grandma." [my SIL flew in for the wedding so she doesn't know who everyone is]

Grandma: "Hey! Who are you? What are you doing here?" [She's yelling over to the woman]

The 50-ish year old woman (50W) walks over to Grandma and extends her hand.

50W: "Hi there!" [Speaking in a very pleasant, cordial voice]

Grandma: "Hi." [Sounding suspicious]

50W: "I'm Mrs. So-n-so, the mother of the groom. We've met before at this-that-n-the-ther function. It's nice to see you again."

She smiles and then walks towards the front of the church.

The Hubs' Grandma? She didn't apologize for her behavior. I guess that's where my MIL gets it from!


There's not only friction between the older generation. There's friction amongst the cousins too.

At the wedding rehearsal on Friday night, one of the female cousins (FC#1) was overheard saying "I bet Grandpa paid for most of this" in a nasty tone.

FC#1 got married a couple years ago. I guess she had informed the family that she only wanted people 18 years and older at the reception. Somehow, the one uncle from out of town ahdn't heard this information. He flew into town with his 16-year-old daughter. He ended up having to make arrangements for her while he attended the reception. I guess the Grandpa wasn't happy with FC#1's rule of 18+. The Grandpa ended up not making the 'welcome' speech he's made at all of his grandkids' wedding receptions.

So the female cousin (FC#2) that was getting married this weekend told her Grandpa that he could do whatever at her wedding. Therefore, that's why FC#1 reacted the way she did. FC#1 got no monetary help from the Grandpa. I guess she was a little miffed at the treatment she received a couple years before.

Now I'm married into this family. And even I know that FC#2 is very close with her Grandpa. I mean, she was the only grandkid who was constantly at the hospital when the Grandpa was admitted last winter. She was the one who called us all up with the news and with updates. So I would not be surprised that the Grandpa paid for stuff at FC#2's wedding.


And the friction doesn't stop at friction. There are actual fights!

Turns out the last time my BIL was visiting, he got into a fistfight with his uncle. I guess they were both drunk. The uncle and my BIL were arguing about some topic. The uncle takes the first swing and all heck breaks loose. I guess the uncle is a "surly drunk" and it doesn't take much to get him started.

MIL: "I hope your brother stays away from boy cousin #1 (BC#1)."

Hubs: "What're you talking about?"

MIL: "I heard that BC#1 is a surly drunk too. With what happened last time...."

Hubs: "If your son stays sober, then there shouldn't be a problem."

Can you believe they actually have fights? Between the older and younger generation? And what is with getting drunk at gatherings? Is that a must? Oh gosh!


There was this conversation this past weekend. Talk about no tact!

Uncle: "What's going on with your father?"

Boy Cousin#2: "I don't know." [BC#2 starts to tear up]

Uncle: "Well, what's he going to do?"

BC#2: "All I know is that he and my Mom are going to lose the house November 1st." [BC#2 walks away]

BC#2's Dad hasn't been able to hold a job for a few years now. Because of his lack of income, the bank will be foreclosing on the house November 1st. This is what confuses me. If I couldn't hold a job and I knew I couldn't sustain a home, I would sell it. That way I could still make a profit on it. Now that they're at the bottom of the pit? BC#2's Dad will be moving in with Grandpa and Grandma. BC#2's Mom will be moving in with her sister.

BC#2? He's getting married next year. This should be a happy time for him. Getting ready for the wedding and stuff. Instead? It's a sad time.


Hubs' Grandma & Grandpa's house? There are going to be a few of their kids residing there. The one aunt has never moved out. She's a really nice lady. Very generous and kind. BC#2's Dad will be moving in November 1st. And my MILs youngest brother (MILYB) will be moving back any time now. MILYB just lost his government job. We don't know why he lost it but he did. MILYB has a history of alcoholism. That's one of the contributing factors that led to his divorce 5 years ago. MILYB's oldest daughter was the flower girl at the Hubs' and my wedding. Since YS lost his job, he will not be able to afford his apartment. So he will be moving back to his parents' home any time now.

Now how sad is that? Hubs' grandparents will have 3 of their 8 children back in their house. All of the kids are over 50 years old too. By the time most people are in their 50's they're thinking about their retirement, right? Thinking about what they'll do with their lives when they no longer need to work. That's not the case here.


It saddens me. It's amazing really. All this...STUFF. I should be grateful that the Hubs turned out so normal, eh?

Now does your family or your husband's family have crazy stuff like this happening????

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