Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Move it over...move it over...

The Bear has moved to another class at daycare.

He is now in the transition class.


Yes. It's the group of older 2 and young 3 year olds that are still getting the hang of doing their business in the toilet. (Nice tie-in with my other post, eh?)

As of yesterday, we're sending him to daycare in underpants. UNDERPANTS!

They told me about 2 weeks ago that they'd be moving him to this new class. So to get prepared I found the coolest looking underpants. I got him a 3-pack of Batman briefs. AND I got him a 3-pack of Buzz Lightyear briefs. I also stocked up on cheap sweatpants. This is all he's going to wear while he's learning to live in underpants. This way he can pull them down easily on his own. No jeans. No khakis. Not for a while!

He looks too adorable for words in his little underpants too!

Anyway, his most favorite teacher at the daycare moved over with this group of 8 kids to this new class. So he's loving life.

On his first day in undies, he had no accidents. They put a pull-up on him at naptime and he was a little itty-bitty bit wet when he woke up 1 1/2 hours later. But he stayed totally dry the rest of the day. No accidents!

But of course, he's saving his poopies for me. He'll do a bit sometime after breakfast but before we leave for school. Then he does a bit sometime between coming home from school and dinner. So yeah...I'm still having to deal with those stinky poopy diapers but hey....he's in underpants!

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