Tuesday, May 2, 2006

TV personalities

Turns out that I know TWO people who are tv.

No. These people are not actors by trade. Yes. You guessed it. These people are on 'reality' shows.

The first person was someone that my husband knew from school. Nice person. Can you say "too" nice? Yes. Too nice to the opposite gender. This person was the one-night-stand person of my husband's MBA class. So I was shocked to hear that person was on tv. And on the show that this person is on. What's even more interesting is how this person has actually found a career and seems to be doing well. Good for him/her.

The second person is someone that I just met. We were out to dinner and this person was chatting with someone else at the table about the show. I listened and asked a couple questions. Then I quoted something from the show....the person flipped out!

"Oh my God! You have seen the show!"

That so cracked me up. It's like...you're on tv....you should EXPECT people to recognize you. Funniest thing ever.

But do YOU know anyone on tv? Reality tv?

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