Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The name game - Part 2

Here's another issue I've got with names.

I can't stand it when I hear people pronounce someone's name wrong. Grates on my nerves like nobody's business. Here are a couple examples that I've witnessed.

Take the name Gabrielle. It's the female version of the name Gabriel.

Gabriel pronounced -> GAY-bree-l

The reason I bring up this name is because there's a little girl I know with the name Gabrielle. How would you pronounce the name?

Most of you would probably the name as Gaa-bree-L --> just say the word gasket to get the Gaa sound.

And there's a guy that we know that calls that little girl -> GAY-bree-L

What? You're seeing that right people. He puts emphasis on two sections of the name. He's basically saying the male pronunciation of the name but putting additional emphasis on the last part of the name. Why? I don't know.

The parents of this little girl call her GAW-bree-l -> just say the word gone to get the GAW sound.

The parents are hispanic. So they are pronouncing the name with an " a " sound like they would in Spanish.

What's crazy is that we've been to more than a couple of gatherings and SO many people pronounce this little girl's name wrong.

Then there's another little girl named Alysia.

It's pronounced --> Uh-LEE-SEE-uh

The little girl's adult cousin pronounces her name --> Uh-LEE-sha

The girl is now 7 and her adult cousin STILL says her name wrong. AMAZING!


But here's another interesting situation with names.

There's a Mom that we know. She's got 3 boys.

The oldest is her's from a previous marriage. The second is her husband's from a previous marriage. Her youngest is both her and her current husband's child.

The youngest is called "Johnny" by his friends. But his Mom calls him Carson. Why? Because Carson is his given name. But why would he want to be called "Johnny"?

His oldest brother is John.

His second oldest brother is Jonathan.

So this little boy figured he should also be a version of that name and dubbed himself "Johnny".

Everytime we see "Johnny", the Hubs chuckles. Why? Because he sees that little boy as "Johnny Carson"....


So what names do YOU hear pronounced incorrectly? Anyone? Anyone?

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