Saturday, February 17, 2007

It's the little things that help me...


Yes. Relax. Some people go through elaborate rituals to relax. Some have to get their tub filled with hot water with bubble bath, light candles, and drink some wine. But me? Not so much. Give me 20 minutes of quiet in a HOT, STEAMING shower? That is totally relaxing to me. Sweeping is also a relaxing activity if I'm alone outside. Give me a broom and a sandy driveway or front walk or garage? I'm relaxed by the end. Seriously. I find that simple task relaxing.

I recently started an activity that my family used to do throughout my childhood. Putting a puzzle together. A month ago, I was in Tarjay and bough a few new puzzles (100 piece ones) for the Bear & the Princess. He got a couple Spiderman ones. The Princess got a couple Hello Kitty ones. I saw a 1000 piece puzzle for about $6 and thought "What the heck?" I broke out the puzzle on Saturday and I'm halfway finished. I found that this simple activity relaxes me. That satisfaction of finding "homes" for a few pieces. It's wonderful for me.

I think the feeling I get from putting this puzzle together brings me back to when I was little. When we used to put a puzzle on our formal dining table. And we all used to walk by it and try to find a "home" for a couple pieces. Me. My sister. My Mom. My Dad. My Grandma. What would be the most fun is when a few of us would crowd around and quietly just work the puzzle. Not talking. Just being together around the puzzle. A way to connect without the complication of talking. Maybe that's why I love doing the 100 piece puzzles with the kids. A way to be together and just be.

What kinds of activities relax you?

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