Monday, May 7, 2007

Makes me scratch my head

The Hubs saw our neighbor Guy Across the Street (GAS) arguing with some guys in front of his house the other day. He only heard a snippet about "cleaning".

We found out from our other neighbor across the street (ONAS) that GAS had just hired a cleaning company. And the arguing the Hubs heard was GAS disagreeing with the people about the pricing. I guess when he'd talked to them over the phone he'd heard ONE price and when they came out they gave him a different price.

I guess the cleaning company was going to come out every week but he would pay every other week. He THOUGHT that he would be paying $90 every two weeks. But he found out they wanted $90 every time they went out. So that meant he'd need to pay $180 every two weeks. Now, is that a bad price? I don't know.

Anyway on Saturday evening, the Hubs and I were outside talking with ONAS as her son played with out kidlings. GAS came outside with his kids, so we all huddled on our driveway while the kids played. We chatted about this that and the other for a couple minutes.

ONAS: Did you get everything straightened out with the cleaning people?
GAS: Yeah. I did. Do YOU guys have cleaning people?
Me: [frowning] Yeah. It's Me and the Hubs.
ONAS: So how much do you guys charge?
GAS: When can you guys come over and do it?

It seriously was a funny topic. Because I don't care if people have a cleaning service. I've never had one. I have friends who've had one. ONAS used to have one. She let her person go at the end of last year but wants to get another service. She can work from home but she does have an office that she needs to be at and she does a lot of driving going to clients. And her husband has weird work hours. He's at the mercy of the scheduling people. Sometimes he works 3rd shift. Sometimes he works in the weekends. Then their son is into baseball big-time as well so they're having to drive him to games and practice all the time. So I'd understand why she has a cleaning service.

But GAS? I don't understand why he'd need one. His kids are both in grade school (1st and all-day Kindergarten). He just finished with school for his teaching credentials. He's a stay-at-home Dad for kids who are mostly in school. So he's at home alone for 6 hours Monday through Friday. And he now just hired a cleaning service? Explain that one to me people! He can't clean his 2200 square foot house in those 30 hours alone during the week?

Anyway, we'll see if his service works out. He got the price he got because he's supposedly going to talk the service up around our neighborhood and get people to hire his service. Yeah. Right. Like I'm going to want the same people cleaning my house as a bunch of other people in the neighborhood? No. Don't think so. I'd rather have some stranger with no ties cleaning my house. So there can be NO TALK of how dirty or whatever about my house and my family around the neighborhood. You know?

Now do you use a cleaning service? How did you find them? How often do they come? It's a luxury that one day I hope to be able to afford -- someone to come out even once a month to do that deep cleaning. You know the stuff I'm talking about. The stuff that's easily left to "next time". Wiping down the blinds & shutters. Cleaning the baseboards. Dusting off the top of the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets. Cleaning the ceiling fan blades. Yeah. The stuff I can't get to. One day. One day...

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