Saturday, July 14, 2007

Because they tolerate each other we take advantage

Today was a prime example of that.

The Hubs and I stayed up late last night. 11pm is late for us. So we were still tired when we got up this morning. But I got to cleaning once I finished breakfast. Cleaned the bathrooms. Got wash done. The Hubs vacuumed upstairs and put the wash away. By the time we ate our lunch, we both looked bleary eyed. I tried to coax the Bear to lay down in the master bedroom with me.

I don wanna way down wif Mommy. I not sweepy!

Geez louise! You'd think he'd be happy to get some extra cuddling in, but no. I've been kicked to the curb. So I lay on the couch. And konked out. I woke up an hour later. A bit drowsy but okay. Feeling much better. I heard the kidlings playing upstairs. But I didn't hear the Hubs. Turns out HE decided to konk out upstairs in the guest bedroom. Actually, he's STILL out. And they're still playing nicely together.

So the Hubs and I were both sleeping and the kidlings played nice together. No fighting. They both knew we were sleeping. Isn't that amazing? They're 4 and 6 and they let us sleep? They ARE good kids. I know this. But sometimes I forget. Like last night at the restaurant. I have to remember to see them in a positive way. That they are good 95% of the time. My little angels.

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