Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's even shorter

No. Not my temper. Although the Hubs would beg to differ on that one at times.

My hair!

Remember that in February I got a drastic cut and was able to donate the hair to Locks of Love? At that time, my hair was mid-neck length. Full on top (with the aid of velcro rollers). Today? It's now more cropped along my neck and shorter on top.

Of course, I ended up buying the hair products that the gal used on me this morning. A bottle of GUTS and some mousse wax. I love the GUTS. It provides a lot of lift to my hair without it feeling like it's got a film on it. And the WAX? She put it in and it looked like my hair had texture and definition. No one has ever used wax on my hair before so I was very impressed with the results. I guess that's what I get for going to a salon (read that as a pricey place) this time around.

"It looks good. It really looks like Kate's."

This is what the Hubs said when he saw me. "Kate" is that gal with 8 kids from "John & Kate plus 8". You know that show? I adore that show. John and Kate are real. They show their flaws and its great to see on tv. She's anal and she admits it. He is laid back and takes everything his wife dishes out to him. It's such a fun family to watch.

Anyway, I really like the cut. It's the shortest my hair has ever been. And I can really see my face. No hiding now!

As for hiding? I'm continuing to try to work out. It might not be every day that I get a good workout in but at least once every other day. I'm trying to do isolation work every night after the kids go to bed. I'm seeing the results in my tummy area. I feel like the front part is becoming more defined. I can see where the center trunk area is getting more defined. The sides of my waist are getting thinner. There's less "overhang" on the bottoms I put on. I can see the definition in my biceps. NO wings to be seen on my triceps. Even my gluteous maximus feels more firm. That part of my bod still needs more work but I can feel that area getting perkier. I got some BACK now!

I'm definitely not running though. That part of my plan is being adjusted. I'm concentrating on walking. I'm just afraid of pushing too hard with running and getting injured. But walking HAS been good. Just getting 30 minutes of walking makes me feel better. A 45 minute walk would make me feel better but it's just too hard to fit that in the morning. I've got to get the kids up and ready for daycare/camp and drive them out. And then be online for work by 8am. It's hard getting my keister up and out the door but I'm trying! I am!

With the progress I've made, I'll definitely be in "good" shape before my birthday in September. And it's going to be a BIG one. I'll be entering into a new decade of my life. Yes. I'll be forty. FORTY! ARGH! But I don't feel that many year. I don't "think" I look that many years. I definitely don't act like I'm that many years old either. I'm hoping that I'm living my life like my Mom. Even at 68 years old, she's got a spark for life. She has more zest for life than my MIL, who is 10 years her junior. And I think because my Mom stays positive in her life and keeps active, she looks FABULOUS! I'm hoping to be like her when I grow up.

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