Thursday, January 17, 2008

So much to do & so little time [updated]

Right now it's 11:35pm. I finished up as much as I could today because tomorrow I'm going to be frazzled. Why? Because...

Oil change -- I'm about 1000 miles over my normal change point DONE by 9am

Target -- I have to stop buy and purchase a few comforters. The Princess said she was still cold at night, so I'm guessing the Bear is too. And while I'm at it, I might as well get one for the guest room. DONE by 9:30

Laundry -- Wash the new comforters (I can't put just purchased items on the bed without washing them). I've also got the normal towels, bedding, and kids clothes to finish up. Halfway through at 1pm Complete at 3:30pm

Beds -- Get the fresh bedding & comforters on the beds Half of the fresh stuff is on at 1pm Complete at 3:40pm

Dust / Vacuum / Sweep / Clean bathrooms -- no explanation needed Complete at 4pm

Color my hair -- It has to be tomorrow. I've got too much silver peeking through near my ears and near my temples. I've decided to do this on Monday instead. Not enough time today.

2 conference calls -- I scheduled these 2 calls earlier in the week and cannot re-schedule. Done by 10am

Groceries -- I have to make a run to Safeway to get a bunch of things: fruit, salad fixings, burger patties, buns, guacamole, tortilla chips, tortillas, shredded cheese, eggs, and yogurt Done by 9:40am

Gift bags -- I've got to throw the little things into the plastic bags so these are all done since I won't have time to do them Saturday morning (the party starts at 9:45am) I've decided to do this tonight with my sister.

Then...[drumroll please]

I have to go to the airport to pick up LilSis and Shorty! They are coming out since they both have Monday off and wanted to take a long weekend visit. It's nice because the Bear is going to have his belated birthday party with his friends on Saturday morning. We can do that for 2 hours and then do other stuff in the afternoon. It'll be a good time.

But I'm going to be crazed tomorrow getting through my list of stuff to do. Maybe I should head off to bed so I don't pass out from being too tired....Wish me luck on getting everything done. But at least I'll enjoy the weekend with my sister!

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