Friday, April 4, 2008

Get me some honey

I recently purchased a DVD of the Bee Movie. The Princess and I watched this movie at the theater. I thought that the Bear would get a kick out of the movie. Animated little bee with a mission? Yes, that's what I thought.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Bear was watching the movie on the big tv in the family room. I was busy working in the office. I was clicking away when the Bear came in.

Bear: You know what Mom? They shot Pooh Bear.
Me: What?
Bear: In the movie. They shot Pooh. He's dead.
Me: They did? I forgot about that.

The Bear turned away from me for a second. I noticed that his hand went to his face and wiped it.

WTF? Was he crying?

Bear: ...And Piglet was so sad! [his voice broke at that point]
Me: Oh Buddy! It's just a movie. They didn't really hurt Pooh. It's just a cartoon. They did it all on the computer.
Bear: They shot Pooh... [sobbing]

Oh my word! The kid was inconsolable for about 5 minutes. I had to hold him and let him get his grief out. I had to explain that they didn't really hurt Pooh. That it was just part of the movie. The movie was make-believe. They did it on the computer like the stuff his sister does on the Webkinz site.

I think that the main issue is that in the movie they HURT a character that he knows. A character that is always happy and kind. They hurt a "good" guy. And he thought that Pooh was REALLY hurt.


Little did I know that an animated movie would get my little guy so emotional. That it would touch him so deeply that he'd sob with sadness. Talk about Mommy guilt!

What movies or shows have YOUR kids watched that really got to them and made them sad or cry?

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