Monday, July 12, 2010

We got it!

I got a call from the agent around 10:30am today requesting some additional financial info.

I had to take a quick drive home and fax the stuff over.

I got a call from the agent around 2pm.

She let me know that we've got the place.



I meet up with the agent tomorrow after work to sign the official lease papers.

I'll be getting the keys on July 31st.

So we can technically move in on August 1st.


A small victory. But a much needed victory nonetheless.

Now we're just waiting for the Hubs to land a great job here so he can join us.

The kids and I miss him terribly.

And I found out yesterday afternoon that he was in a car accident.

Someone cut him off and he swerved to miss the other car. He lost control and ended up in the median area on the freeway.

What sucks is that the other driver didn't even stop. Probably didn't even notice the chaos he caused. And because he didn't stop? The highway patrol didn't write up a report. [sigh]

I thank the Lord that my husband is okay.

But his car did get banged up a bit.

So his car is now safely at the repair shop. The insurance adjuster is evaluating if the car will be worth repairing or not. The Hubs will find out tomorrow.

So this news about finding a place to live is some good news that we needed. And hopefully all the other pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. So we can once again be reunited into a foursome.

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