Saturday, May 19, 2012

Warming up and feeling better

Here in SoCal, it's starting to warm up.

Cloudy mornings and warm afternoons.

And me?

Unfortunately, I am NOT for summer.

In no way.

A couple weeks ago I noticed my work clothes feeling a little snug.

I then noticed that when I put on my jeans that I've got a muffin. As in MUFFIN TOP.

When I've clothes on, I look fine. But stripped down to my birthday suit, I look like a big mess.


So I am trying to get back into shape.

I started running a little a couple weeks ago. Only a couple times a week. Trying to gradually build up my strength and my stamina.

This morning? I went for a 3-miler and it took me about 30 minutes.

What's great is that I ran the entire way. Well, most of the way. I stopped for a few seconds at the intersections in order to cross safely.

But I am so amazed that I was able to comfortably run 3 miles.

I'm definitely not going to run tomorrow. I am prone to shin splints if I am too aggressive when I start back up in an exercise routine. But since it's the weekend and the kids will be at playdates tomorrow afternoon? I may just go out for a long walk.

One benefit about the running? I feel like I'm getting extra energy. And my legs are already looking more toned.

Now I've got to get working on getting some core exercises in to flatten my lower belly and make my butt smaller. Sit-ups and I come!

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