Sunday, January 15, 2006

Weird habits?

Mel over at "Like Sands Through the Hourglass" tagged me. I NEVER get tagged! Woohoo! So of course I'm gonna play....

The first player of this game starts with the topic "five weird habits I have" and people who get tagged then write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says you have been tagged? (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.

  1. When I was working and I had a conversation with a not-so-nice person on the phone, I would reserve all my 'not-so-nice' comments until after I hung up the phone. I wasn't rude to these people. I kept an even keel. But after? Oh boy! [grumble-grumble-grumble] My co-workers knew not to interrupt me or try to speak to me during these venting moments. Once I was able to grumble under my breath for a few moments, I was back to normal.
  2. I have to put the right side on first. Socks. Shoes. Slippers. Gloves. Jacket. Sweater. Shirt. My right leg or right arm HAS to have whatever it is on first. If my left starts to inch ahead? I STOP! BRAKES! Then my right goes on its merry way. If I happen to put on the left whatever first? This is sick. I take my left appendage out and my right appendage goes in.
  3. I put the parking brake on whenever I park my car. I can be on the most flat surface. My parking brake has to be. Totally on. The car CANNOT move one iota after I've taken my foot off the brake pedal. Sometimes my husband will park my car and put the parking brake on partially and the car will move when he takes his foot off the brake pedal. DRIVE ME NUTS! If you're going to put on the parking brake then put it down all the way!
  4. When I'm in the car alone? I sing. Stuff that I want to listen to. Not Raffe. Not Baby Einstein. My stuff. From the 80s. And when I sing? I have to move my head. AND....use my hands. Yes. I'm one of those crazy singers. Would you rather see a crazy singer in the car next to you? or someone picking their nose? I'll take a crazy singer any day!
  5. When I wrap gifts, the two sides where we fold the paper down have to hit the bottom of the box/container. They can't hit midway. They can't be too long so that it finishes under the box. It has to match the edge of the box. Anal? Yeah. But that's what my Mom does.

So am I weird? Weirder than YOU? How about some answers from Sarangeti Summer Supine Bean's Dad & Holli

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