Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Plans for the day

Here's my basic plan for the day:

Wake up before the kiddos I woke at 6am

Get the coffee brewing Got it on at 6:10am

Get the breakfast stuff out. Get a sippy of H20 and a glass of milk ready. Bowls out. Cereal ready. Drinks in the fridge!

Drink some coffee. Oh yeah!

Get the Bear out of his crib, change his diaper, and get him started on his cereal. He got his mix of Cheerios & Fruit Harvest with some wheat germ in it.

Drink some coffee. Yup!

Get the Princess cereal poured into her bowl. She got Apple Jacks today

Drink some coffee. I was sipping away

Get the dishes into the sink. I washed as they finished

Wash up their hands, brush their teeth, and get their clothes changed. Yes, yes, yes

Start a Baby Einstein video. I actually started a Blues Clues tape

Drink some coffee. yes

Get myself ready for the day. I actually did this while they ate breakfast

Drink some coffee. Still working on that coffee

Lounge about for a little bit & drink some coffee. Almost done

Drive out to Gymboree Play & Music. It was a quiet drive

Give the kiddos a snack after I've loaded them back into the car after class. It was Apple Nutrigrain Bites today

Stop by Target to exchange some shoes that the Princess got for her birthday for a larger size. Ha! I actually did this!

Get the oil in my car changed. Uh-oh...didn't make it here

Arrive at home & make some lunch -- cheese sandwiches, Vegetarian Alphabet soup, & blue chips. Yes, yes, but it was regular tortilla chips

Get the Bear down for a nap. He went down without a fight after lunch...[doing the happy dance]

Color or play a game with the Princess while the Bear naps. We played a memory game & started watching "Day After Tomorrow". I also painted her toenails a shade of blue/silver!

Start a video after the Bear wakes from his nap. We skipped this

Give the kiddos a snack (sliced nectarines & cheese) Only nectarines today

Run, tickle, & play with the kiddos until 4:45pm We played!!!

Fix dinner (Spaghetti with Italian sausage with garlic bread) It was regular spaghetti, garlic bread, & salad - the kiddos were really hungry too

Wash the kiddos up. Wash the dishes. Wipe down the counters. Sweep the floor. yes yes yes yes

Veg with the kiddos after dinner. I started a Blues Clues DVD. The kids watched for a bit & then did their wrestling & running.

Get the kids ready for bed. Got them tucked in by 8:10pm

Take a shower after the kids are in bed. Finished showering

Fall asleep after my hair dries. Hair still wet...but I'll probably surf the web for a bit....


Can you see how the details get more vague as the day goes on? Oh...I wonder how close (if even) I'll get to my plan???? I can only dream that it works out as smoothly as it looks on paper. Note that I didn't put in any meltdowns, any yelling, any fighting between the kiddos. Hmmm...if the day starts to get away from me I may just have to stop by the drive-thru Starbucks and get...more coffee! Ha!

So the day didn't go as badly as I'd anticipated. No major blowups. Just some reminders to be more gentle with each other & to sit on the couch (versus jumping and walking on it). Hope tomorrow is as smooth! [Crossing my fingers & toes]

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