Wednesday, October 20, 2004

She's almost done!

I spoke with my younger sister yesterday afternoon and guess what? She's basically done with getting her masters. She finished up doing the changes that her advisors recommended that she complete on her thesis. She got her 2nd signatures yesterday. What does she need to do now? All she has to do is make an appointment with the dean and have him read her thesis. Then it's all done! She won't get to do the graduation ceremony until June but once the dean signs off on the thesis than she's done! Woohoo!

She doesn't have a job yet. She's going to continue doing her internship to gain more experience while she's applying for jobs. Turns out that she's got a part-time paying gig with someone, but the hours are going to be sporatic. Her supervisor told her that she should hook up with a private investigator to gain even more hands-on experience.

All I know is that I'm happy she's almost done. She's a very intelligent young lady. She has to put herself out there and try to make it in the working world. She's been in school long enough. She has to test if she can handle working and possibly making it on her own. Yes, she's still living with my parents. They're her safety net. She's the most spoiled of us daughters. My folks have given her everything she's ever wanted. She's never been without anything.

She's the only one of us four girls that didn't bolt. My oldest sister ran off & got married when she was 18. My 2nd sister got married a year short of getting her college degree. I moved out when I was 24 & bought myself a condo. It's now my youngest sister's turn to get out there.

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