Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Amazing Race...did you see it?

Can someone PLEASE give that Jonathan a valium?

I cannot believe that Victoria is still married to that pompous jerk. Okay. Okay. It might be something to do with the editing that's making him look bad. NO! No! No! He definitely is a jerk. There's no amount of editing that can making someone look THAT horrific if they're not a bad person to begin with. I can't believe how much she was crying last night. He was such a wus that he couldn't RUN to the finish. He had to throw his pack off so that he'd be able to run. Everyone who witnessed them finish looked so embarrassed. SO embarrassed that they witnessed that tirade. ARGH!

I was busting up laughing though with the altercation at the travel agency between Hayden & Bolo. Thankfully the two of them made up quickly. They let it go. They let it pass. Like adults! They knew their tempers were flaring. Good sportsmanship! They made up!

I really don't like that gal Kendra. She really doesn't realize that MOST of the world isn't wealthy. That there are LOTS of places that have poverty. She needs to open her eyes and realize this. Not all the world has $50,000 cars to drive around. Not everyone has access to birth control. Not everyone sees possessions as the most important thing.

So far...I want Kris & Jon to win. They seem to appreciate the entire experience. They always seem upbeat. Not only with each other. But with the other teams. They are the sparks in this year's race compared to the "not so happy" teams. I hope their success in the race continues.

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