Sunday, February 13, 2005

Carrier: Fortress at Sea

I can't believe this show is on the television right now!

It's on Discovery Channel from 1pm-2pm today.

Why am I bringing this show up? Because it takes me back to when my hubby was in the military. He was actually on that air craft carrier (the Carl Vinson) when the Discovery crew was on board filming. No. He didn't get ANY camera time. But he is (right this very minute) watching the program. He's commenting on all the guys that he recognizes. I joked with him that he didn't get any camera time because he was probably sacked out in his bunk. That's what he used to do with his free time when he wasn't working. Sleep.

It's amazing how much time has gone by since they filmed that show in 1994. It's actually almost 11 years since they actually shipped out on that particular cruise. Wow! I didn't realize that until this moment. Amazing.

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