Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The best laid plans

Today, I had planned to go to a park with the kids in the morning shortly after breakfast.

It's a NO-GO!

Why? Because the Princess woke up feeling nauseous. Now my girl isn't one to play when it comes to feeling nauseated. If she's nauseous then something is going to happen.

I was happily passed out (finally) in bed when she woke at 5:15am. The Bear was in the toddler bed (again), but asleep this time (remember yesterday). Thankfully, the Hubs was getting ready to leave for work when he saw her at the top of the stairs. He scooped her up. Placed her in our bed. Got a bucket with a little bit of water and placed it next to the bed. The Hubs thought she'd end up going back to sleep in our bed. But alas, a few minutes after he left a wave began hit her. I got her and the bucket into the family room. I DO NOT the Bear to wake up early today. It's 5:45am and she's vomited once. At least she's in good spirits.

Prin: "Mommy. I think I got bad germs from school yesterday."

Me: "Yes honey. That's what probably happened."

Prin: "But I didn't stick my fingers in my mouth..."

Me: "I know. But maybe one of the toys had bad germs on it."

Prin: "Yeah. That's what it probably was."

I am going to call one or two of the Moms from school to find out if their kidlings have gotten sick. The thing is...they made fresh ice cream yesterday. So I think some of the kids' fingers got into the ingredients. You know? You can't help their excitement when ICE CREAM is involved.

Right now she's on the couch trying to get more sleep. The Bear is still snoozing in the toddler bed. Me? I've got to get breakfast stuff out. Got to get my coffee started.

No park today. I think it'll be a video/DVD kind of day. Hmm...I should get a few new ones out of a storage box... Okay. Gotta go digging.

Hope everyone has a good (& nauseous free) day!

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