Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The last few snippets about the wedding

Look how adorable my two look! We had to take about 4 inches in around the bodice of the Princess' dress. My little guy's tux shirt was too long on him. But they look smashing! The second photo is of the two practicing their dancing skills after the ceremony at the church.

They scheduled a cocktail hour where everyone could congregate since the reception didn't start until 2 hours after the ceremony. It was nice too. It allowed the photographer to take lots of shots around the hotel while the rest of the guests were occupied. The photo below is from our hotel room balcony.

As we were lining up outside the reception hall, the wedding party was dancing and singing and laughing.

A group of about 8 people came walking up to us. They saw us all having a good time...

"Hey guys? Why don't we go to this reception? This looks like a fun group!"

Nice way to start a reception right?

What was the funniest is that ALL of us bridesmaids wore flip-flops to the reception. SERIOUSLY! We had simple spaghetti strap long dresses.

It definitely was a good time. We had a fabulous sit-down meal. Either steak or halibut. I had the halibut and it was YUMMY! While we ate, we had entertainment! We had three different ladies sing ballads while we ate our salads. Then we had a Polynesian dance company wow us while we finished our entrees.

What was interesting was that there were more kids around the stage area than I thought were at the reception. Turns out those kids were from the reception NEXT door to ours. That's right. The people attending the reception in the other room sent their kids into our room to watch the dancers! Would you ever do that?

After dinner, the band that my new BIL is a part of started their set. That got the dancing started big time. My new BIL started dancing. His brother started dancing. It was like a dance off. Lots of laughing. Lots of dancing. Lots of smiling.

The Princess and I danced together. She got to stay up late -- until 10:30pm!

The flowers were SO pretty! And it was a fabulous time for all. My sister & BIL are still in Hawaii on their honeymoon. They'll be back this weekend. They'll move the last remnants of my sister's stuff into the home they'll share as man & wife.

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