Tuesday, July 18, 2006

An air of uncertainty

The Hubs boss almost had a mild stroke last Monday.

Yup. He hadn't been feeling well for a while. He finally felt bad enough last Monday morning where his wife took him to the hospital. He ended up having to stay because they noted he was on the verge of something serious. Thankfully, he did make it to the hospital. Thankfully, he was able to relax at home while the office ran smoothly without him. Yesterday was his first day back. He'll be doing half-days for a couple weeks.

But what now? It's a 4 person office. The Hubs. His boss. The boss' wife who does the books. And the receptionist. Now that the Hubs boss has had a health scare? What's gonna happen?

Today the Hubs is supposed to have a sit down with his boss to discuss the plans for the business. I can't wait to hear the details.

What makes life even more uncertain? The fact that the place where the Hubs used to work has let about 1000 managers go. ONE THOUSAND people! Can you believe it?

What sucks even more is how quickly they're letting people go. One of these 'just notified' managers sent out a 'farewell' email out to his colleagues. And one of those colleagues was my husband. My husband who probably would have been in the same group that was let go. Out of a job! Anyway, this friend of my husband said he was sending out the email because they were scheduled to take his laptop by mid-week. So, he was just told about the layoff AND he is going to get totally let go from the place by the end of this week. E-gads! Talk about short notice.

Reminds me of when I gave my notice one morning. They let me go by lunchtime. SERIOUSLY! I didn't get a farewell lunch. I didn't get to walk around and say good-bye to everyone. After speaking to my manager, she walked over to the CFO, who called me into his office. Not one hour after I spoke with my manager did they tell me that I was leaving that day.

So...there is a bit of uncertainty about the Hubs' job. About where we're going to be in the next 6 months. Thankfully, I do have a job. That's the only thing that the Hubs is feeling relieved about. The only thing that's our saving grace. That he doesn't have to stress about us not having any money coming in. I guess that raise came at the right time, eh? It gives him a breather. Time to think.

But I'm sure he'll "Land on his feet" like he always does. He's a highly qualified person who does great work. I'm behind him 100%.

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