Saturday, October 14, 2006

Halloween around the corner

My kidlings have their costumes. I've had them for about 3 weeks already.

My son? He has no idea I've got his Halloween costume. Hmmm.... I don't know if he remembers what Halloween is. Does your 3 year old remember going out last year? I haven't discussed it with my little guy but I HOPE he remembers. And WHAT is he going to be this year? Superman! He already has a cape (that I got about a year ago at Tar-jhay) that makes sounds based upon his movements. Either "whooshing' sounds like he's flying or "smack-whack" sounds like he's punching something.

My daughter? She is going to be Wonder Woman. Kind of along the theme of her birthday party. She has found and has worn her outfit already. This week while she's been off from school. She's been wearing it while her brother has been at daycare. litle guy has no idea that he or his sister has a costume.

We've got our little Halloween lights out in front. We've got a string of 4 pumpkins that are stuck along the walkway to our front door. And we've got another pumpkin hanging on the little window beside our front door. Basic. Simple. Nothing elaborate. Nothing scary. My neighbor across the street? He's got 2 lighted jack-o-lanterns, 2 orange cactus shaped jack-o-lanterns, 3 tombstones in the yard, a skeleton hanging beside his garage, orange lights around his two front windows, AND orange spider lights with a black spider hanging above his front door. Yeah. He's got the most elaborate display in the neighborhood. All I can say is that he'd better have some dang good candy to hand out as well! Ha!

As for Halloween hand-outs, what do YOU give? I like to give the mini candybars. Snickers. Crunches. Reeses. 100 Grands. Maybe some Skittles in there too. I've never liked those twist wrap candies or Candy Corn. [blech] I guess that stems from when I was young and that's all my folks could afford. Oh yeah. And black licorice. Can't eat those either. I can eat red licorice but not black.

I can't wait for Halloween this year. The neighborhood is now finished so we can do a safe little loop around. No need to venture far like we had to last year. No construction to worry about. It's going to be great!

Come on...what's on your Halloween candy list? And what are your kidlings going to be wearing?

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