Thursday, August 2, 2007

I've made it through the rain...

Not the literal rain....

Through the sickness that overwhelmed my home since Friday evening.

Remember how I mentioned the other day that the Bear fell asleep on me? This was because his "tummy" hurt.

Monday afternoon, the Princess mentioned that HER tummy was hurting. This resulted in her staying home Tuesday and Wednesday from camp. The pain would come in waves. She'd feel fine for a while and then she'd come to me in tears. I'd end up having to hold her on my lap and stroke her back. She'd lay on the couch when she'd feel okay. Then she'd come to me when the pain was too much. For two days. Holding her. Trying to absorb her pain. She also ended up sleeping in bed with me. Of course, the Bear had to be near his sister and he ended up in the toddler bed in our bedroom. The Hubs decided to sleep in the guestroom while both kidlings were sleeping with me.

When I'm sick? I have the weirdest dreams. VERY vivid and strange. I know I roll around more and am over and under the covers. This is EXACTLY how the Princess is. She'd thrash about and mumble about so much. OH MY GOSH! I had to put pillows in the middle of the bed to "protect" myself. Seriously. After two nights of having to be on guard in bed, last night was a quiet one. Both kidlings were knocked out. The Princess silently slept in that dead sleep where she barely moved. THAT is when I knew she was going to feel fine this morning. No more strange dreams that caused her to swing her arms about and kick her legs. Yeah!

So today? I am in a much more rested state. I'm feeling more productive. I'm feeling more focused. Thank goodness. A rested Mommy is a better Mommy! Whew! We made it through this little viral business. Hopefully, it'll be the last of the sickies until flu season starts in a few months.

Now have you had to deal with any summer illnesses?

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