Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Oh...I thought I was done!

Y'all....I got whatever internal issue that the kids had last week.It's been horrible!

*** WARNING *** If you're squeamish about reading TMI...then stop reading now!

If you read the Blue Sloth, then you know about his health issues (aka the darn Mola-Mola). Well, THAT is how I've been feeling. The internal pain. The intestinal bloating. That gaseous feeling. That was all I could think about Monday and Tuesday. How horrible this feeling was. And how Philip has to deal with it on a daily basis. Ugh!

The horrible feeling started Monday after dinner. I felt bloated. Like I'd eaten WAY too much even though I'd only had a cup of pasta and 3 meatballs. I sat on the couch and drank some tea. I tried to burp up the gas bubbles that I felt were welling up inside me. I burped a bit but it didn't help. After the kids were in bed, I even tried to make myself vomit to relieve the pressure. I can't stick my finger down my throat, but I did press my diaphragm up against the side curve of the oval toilet. This is a technique that works for me normally when I'm feeling nauseous. But this time? Nothing happened. Nada!

I went to bed early (10pm) but could not get comfortable. I could feel my digestive tract in an uproar. I kept trying to tell myself it would pass. That I needed to relax and let myself go to sleep. I ended up barely sleeping all night. I'd wake just as I felt like I fell asleep. I didn't fell like I got any rest at all. That's the WORST way to wake up. To feel like you didn't sleep through one REM cycle. Zombie time! That's how I felt all Tuesday. Like I was barely coherent. Like I was in a painful fog all day. I forced myself to eat a bagel Tuesday morning. But that's about all I ate the rest of the day. I then forced myself to eat a banana around 8pm. I had to have SOMETHING and that felt like the safest bet.

Now what happened the rest of Tuesday? It was NOT a good day to be me. The fog I felt? It was accompanied by MANY trips to the porcelain goddess. No. No vomit. It was the other end. It was the big D. Diary-ah! I didn't think I had that much IN me! Even though I wasn't eating, I made myself drink some water. Not much. But enough. Every time I sat down on the white porcelain, I had horrible pains. It just exited so violently! It stunk something awful too. The exit point hurt something awful too from all that exposure to that acidic stuff. Gross! Yuck! But that's what happened. Then again....that's why I ended up eating just the banana at the end of the day.

This morning? I still felt a little queasy. But infinitely much better than the previous day. Maybe because I slept all night. That dead sleep. The sleep of exhaustion. I could have slept for 4 more hours I'm sure. But I had to get up and get the kids ready for school. AND I had to work. But I did sneak in a nap instead of eating lunch. And I slept HARD. But it refreshed me enough to make it through the rest of the day. And now? It's 8:30pm. The kids are safely tucked in bed. I actually ate some dinner. Some minestrone soup (while the Hubs and the kids feasted on fettucine alfredo with shrimp).

The Hubs could tell that I felt better too. He knows that when I'm sick. I am REALLY SICK. I'm out for the count. So he steps up big time. He's had to get the kids through their evening routine 2 nights in a row. But this evening? I went outside with the kids. I prep'd their night-time snacks. I went through a catalog with them to get them thinking about Halloween costumes (I told you I like to plan!). I gave both of them their baths. And got them tucked in bed myself. This way he could get some extra work in.

But I tell's been a bad few days. But I've FINALLY made it through. And now? I'm going to take a nice long leisurely shower. feels good to be back to normal again!

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