Today, actually later today will be GIRL TIME!
The Hubs and the Bear will be heading up to watch a football game. AND they are going to spend the night up there. The at-home games start at 7pm and normally end after 10pm. So the two boys will have alone time together. I think that my FIL is going to take the extra ticket (as the Hubs has 3 season tickets).
But the Princess and I? We are going to have OUR time together. I'm planning on running errands. All the things I put off to when I'm alone, but now I'm going to have my girl with me. She and I are both looking forward to it. She likes going out and looking at things. I like the fact that she and I can leisurely look around. We'll head to Tar-jay for miscellaneous stuff -- towels, shampoo, etc. I'm planning on some time in Barnes&Noble. Hopefully we'll be able to fit a movie and dinner in as well! Just the two of us.
There will be no time limits for our outing, since the boys won't be back until lunch tomorrow. So we might just even go out to breakfast tomorrow morning and head out to the park. Just the girls. Like it used to be before I had the Bear when I didn't work. Time to relish how interesting and beautiful it is to be with my daughter. My girl who will be turning 7 in less than 2 weeks.
Now what are YOU doing this weekend?
It's now 9:30pm and the Princess is out cold in my bed.
We managed to run errands. Tarjay awaited us and we went. In and out of aisles. We could have stayed in there another hour or so, but we had what we needed. I can't believe how much I spent on BATH towels! I only ended up getting 10 of them. I wanted to get a few more but that was all that was on the shelves. I'll probably go back during the week and grab more if Tarjay has restocked the ones I selected. Were the towels unique in any way? No. Just large white towels. No one gets their "own" color. I like to throw them in bleach every month or so. And I can't stand having nothing matching. That's how I grew up. With a few towels of one color. A few towels of another color. NOTHING MATCHING! In my type-A mind it drove me crazy. But I wasn't the one who purchased them. I was stuck with what was in supply.
The MAIN reason we left the store was because I was starving. I was beginning to feel dizzy because I was so hungry. So we ended up at El Pollo Loco (thanks Jeff Lewis for all the marketing during your show!). We sat and talked and ate. We shared our entrees. It was nice. She's definitely my child. She loves the crispy chicken skin.
Then we headed to the mall. We got our tickets for Stardust. We meandered the mall. We checked out the clothes in Old Navy. We hung out at Barnes&Noble. Then we finally got into the theater. We got bag of popcorn & lemonade to share. Theater #5 was empty when we got in there. So the Princess ate popcorn and danced to the music. That is what she did until the lights went down. I have to tell you that it was FREEZING in that place. The Princess ended up sitting on my lap for 3/4 of the movie. Thankfully, we sat in the row behind the handicapped section. So no one was in front of us -- only the metal bars. So I was able to sit relatively comfortable with my legs up on the bars with her on top of me. That cold theater just gave me an opportunity to hug and to hold my girl for 1.5 hours. And then it was over.
"Mom. Where are we going now?"
"Home baby."
"But I'm hungry."
"You're hungry?"
"I am."
"Okay. How about XXXX?"
"Oh yeah. Let's go there!"
So we ended up stopping at a place that only she and I got to. We ate there. And she ATE like she hadn't had any popcorn. It's crazy how much good she can put away when she's hungry.
But now, she's asleep. Tired as tired can be. She'll be in bed with me tonight. Sleeping the opposite direction than me. I've got a big pillow set up between us. It was nice. I loved spending this time alone with her.
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