Sunday, March 30, 2008

My love

Twelve years ago, a new chapter in my life began.

The chapter of my life with my love. My husband. My sweet man.

We'd known each other just a smidge over three years before we stood before the Pastor. We stood before the Pastor. We stood before our parents. We stood before the rest of our family. We stood there before our friends.

It was a beautiful day. It was a wonderful ceremony. I glowed inside knowing that I would be his wife. His partner. I was so stand next to him proclaiming my love for him. Declaring my feelings for him for all the world to see.

And now, it's twelve years later. So much has changed in our lives since our wedding. We're older. We're not as physically fit. We have two beautiful children. We live in a different state. We have careers that are very different from where we were.

Moving through these years hasn't been easy. We continue to have our up and down moments. We have those days when we get on each other's nerves. We have those nights where we fall asleep facing away from each other. It hasn't been easy, but we're still together. We support each other. We work at our relationship. It's hard sometimes, but EVERYTHING that's worth something is hard.

My husband is still the love of my heart.

My husband is the twinkle in my eye.

We are a couple. We love each other. After twelve years, we are still in love. What more can I ask for?

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