March 1 - On the way to dinner, we went the nice scenic route. We drive below some buttes that do end up with a small bit of snow when the weather conditions are just right. The photos don't capture how blue the sky was in contrast to the etched rock -- it was beautiful watching the details on the buttes get more pronounced as we drove closer.
March 2 - The little guy is all squeaky clean. We had a busy Monday. The kids had their LONG day at school. Then I took them to swim lessons. BUSY!!!!
March 3 - I saw this large pot and had to take a few shots of it. The color on the pots against the drapey plants was so nice. This pot is located outside my favorite non-chain coffee shop. The one that the kids and I like to walk to when they are off from school.
March 4 - The kids are again getting along on this particular evening. The Princess had a Girl Scout meeting, so we were late. The Bear took a bath before we got home.
March 5 - Here is my laundry. ARGH! All piled up once again. This is what it looked right before I left for the laundromat. PILES of laundry.
March 6 - Hmmm...what's this? What's on the wall outside the garage door? A little moth.Itmust have been sleeping. I was able to take a bunch of shots of it. You can see how fuzzy its head and wings are.
March 7 - The Princess woke up with a tummy bug. Since the Bear couldn't play with his sister, he was given permission to dig out a bunch of Play-doh. Doesn't he look so totally serious? He kept himself busy for about an hour.
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